Wellness for the community. 10/9. Tap in.

In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, free classes and workshops for the community. Use code IPD at checkout.

  • 11AM: Pilates on the Mat

    This authentic class incorporates a continuous series of mat exercises rooted in the teachings of Joseph Pilates. Strengthen your core, improve flexibility, and dramatically transform your body.

  • 12PM: Cardio Dance

    Torch calories with a HIIT-intensive Cardio Dance class scored to the best hip hop bangers. Wine your hips, twerk it low, and tighten and tone your whole body.

  • 2:30PM: Creating Boundaries and Saying No

    A workshop for your wellness led by TRILLFIT’s programming partners.

  • 4:30PM: Joint Rolling Class

    Learn how to roll a joint with TRILLFIT’s programming partners.