You might feel like a hot mess trying to carve out time for yourself for five minutes - let alone building a wellness-fueled, balanced life - but I know you have what it takes to transform your reality and achieve true balance. Plus, it’s the Spring Equinox so ancestrally speaking, there’s no better time in the year to decide to put yourself first. And I know you can! You just need awareness, a self-love practice, seeds of change (literally), plus, you need a community (and a coach!) to support you every step of your journey.

How do you get a balanced life? Decide that you deserve one.

Mind·Body·Balance is a holistic eight-week, wellness-based coaching and fitness program beginning on April 3, 2023 that builds confidence, self love, and empowers you to find balance in your life. The Mind·Body·Balance method:

  • Build Self Awareness (Mind)

    Identify where you’re at through internal and external reality audits; our effective self-love assessment tool, and identify limiting beliefs that run your subconscious mind and are unknowingly holding you back. Reprogram your mind (it’s possible, I promise!) to power your future and call in abundance.

  • Develop a Self-Love Practice (Body)

    Create actionable intentions for the next eight weeks, learn how to build a vision board or an altar to manifest the future you want and deserve, move your body daily with balance-building strength conditioning workouts combining Pilates, Sculpt, and Yoga by award-winning fitness instructor, Heather White, and develop a self-love practice that will actually “stick”. Learn to love yourself better by pouring in, deeply on the Spring Equinox.

  • Make Change + Achieve the Life You Want (Balance)

    Build better habits that are long-lasting and can generate the life that you deserve. Shed the darkness of winter and COVID-19, and change yourself to help change the world. The Spring Equinox is the perfect time to be thinking about unbridled optimism, clean slates, healthy habits, and possibility. It’s the perfect time to put yourself first - and it’s a time our ancestors honored (heavy!!). There is so much power to be harnessed during this time, grab a piece for yourself and watch it bloom within.

Mind·Body·Balance with Heather White

Finding balance in our lives, healing our relationship with our bodies and selves is DEEPLY personal and doesn't look the same for everyone. It’s also hard in the midst of hustle culture to even find the time to do it. It’s hard to put yourself first - but I promise you: I’ve been there. I’ve experienced self doubt and imposter syndrome as an award-winning executive within the sneaker industry. I faced fear of failure, and worthiness core wounds (very common but not really discussed amongst fellow children of immigrants), and becoming a young female CEO who is now the face of a heralded movement in wellness blindsided me. I know what it likes to feel like no one takes you seriously, and yet you have everything to prove. I know what’s it’s like to be the only - and senior most - person of color in an organization, advocating for change while experiencing sexism, racism, and more. I get feeling resigned to the fact that nothing will ever change - and that this is just the lot the universe dealt you. But, I’m here to show you that whatever life throws at you - you can achieve the balance you need to deal with it head on and heal yourself.

Why Mind·Body·Balance ?

I created Mind·Body·Balance because I saw that my community needed (and wanted!) a program infused with love that could help people achieve balance in their lives - literally and figuratively. I’m friends with moms who have no time for themselves and work out in 10-minute increments at 11PM because that’s all the time they can find. They’re stressed out and unhappy - and they accept it. I was an entrepreneur so beholden to my business that taking a day off - let alone consecutive ones - seemed actually impossible. After surviving COVID and hitting a wall with sales - I was so stress out that I was puking every week. And I had no one to talk to about it - so I just kept enduring it. I know women who want wellness in their lives but just don’t have the time. I was one of them. I hear from people daily searching for peace, but they don’t know where to start. I was there, too. When it comes to finding balance (which is needed for a harmonious and easeful life), building up your sense of self is the first step. Say hello to Mind·Body·Balance.

A soul alchemizes and a mindset shift happens when people plant trees whose shade they know they won’t just sit in - it’s shade they will rest, relax, and experience joy within.

What private clients are saying about Heather’s holistic wellness coaching programs.

  • “Thank you so much Heather for coming together to build this space! You have so much love to give and it really meant a lot to be included especially in this time in my life :)”

  • “Heather did a great job creating the container and encouraging people.I’m so grateful for the space and the encouragement I received in it.”

  • “I loved the honesty and vulnerability, realness and intimacy. It was easy to talk to people and people were open to being approached. No one was cliquey. It was just filled with so much heart and care and people caring for each other.”

  • “I’ve been really depressed. Things have been so hard. This program was a light. I needed this kind of community and support and friends.”

  • “Life has been hard and lonely and I haven’t been feeling enough and I needed to receive everything you put out. Thank you again for making it possible for me to experience. Most people have forgotten about us chronically ill/disabled entrepreneurs. Thank you for thinking of me and seeing me”

  • “It made it such a welcoming and beautiful experience and allowed me to relax into the work we committed to.”

Mind·Body·Balance: Group Program

  • Meet weekly on Google Meets with other likeminded individuals in the Mind·Body·Balance program. Hold space for others and have space held for you as you navigate daily challenges.

    • Journal Prompts

    • Bad Bitch Motivation Audio

    • Belief Reprogramming & Mindset Workbooks

    • Traveling Temple Shaman-blessed Seeds

    • Balanced Body Postcard Set

    • Internal / External Audit Worksheet

  • Mind·Body·Balance workouts utilize the principles of Pilates, Sculpt, and Yoga from award-winning fitness instructor and TRILLFIT founder, Heather White.

  • Icelandic Poppies symbolize sleep, peace, and death, and they are an iconic symbol of remembrance. Plant these seeds in remembrance of your promise to put yourself first and alchemize your life. Harmony is contagious, plant your seeds and watch them grow.

Mind·Body·Balance: Group Program with Plant Medicine Add-On

    • Journal Prompts

    • Bad Bitch Motivation Audio

    • Belief Reprogramming & Mindset Workbooks

    • Shaman-blessed Seeds

    • Balanced Body Postcard Set

    • Internal / External Audit Worksheet

  • Item description
  • Item description

Inside Mind·Body·Balance

Mind·Body·Balance: The Workouts

You need good balance to do just about everything in our lives, including walking, getting out of a chair, picking up your kids, nailing that yoga pose. Balance control is the foundation of our ability to move — and it’s something that seriously declines with age and infrequent mobility (think about how much time we spend inside, hunched over a laptop, on zoom these days). Lack of balance leads to accidents like falls which can result in severe injuries (my grandmother fell, broke her hip, and never regained her mobility back) , which is why I built this program.

You’ll torch calories, whittle your waist, build strength and lose weight, sure, but you’ll be doing it with workouts specifically designed to improve and challenge your balance. You’ll develop a skill that will mature with you as you age and prevent fall-related anxiety that develops later. Mind·Body·Balance Workouts utilize Pilates, Yoga, and Sculpt modalities to focus on strengthening the legs and the core.

  • So many Pilates, Sculpt, and Yoga movements require you to challenge your body with balance, stability and flexibility. This strengthens your core, the powerhouse of your body. Core work is the center of every movement - and having a strong core is more than the ability to hold a plank; it’s actually a crucial part of a healthy and active lifestyle.

  • You need good balance to do just about everything, including walking, getting out of a chair, and leaning over to tie your shoes. Strong muscles and being able to keep yourself steady make all the difference in those and many other things you do every day. anyone can, and should, do it. Balance control is the foundation of a person’s ability to move and function independently. However, balance control declines with age, and impaired balance is a major risk factor for falls among older adults. fall can result in severe injuries, such as fractures, causing longstanding pain, lower quality of life, disability, and even death. My grandmother fell, broke her hip, and never recovered. She caught COVID while in recovery and she sadly passed shortly after. My mission is to provide exercises that people of all ages can complete to prevent this situation from happening to others.

  • Loving your body starts from within. Now, managing your weight is important because it can work in tandem with lowering risks of hear disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and more. Achieving a weight that YOU feel confidant at (not a number on the scale) really requires working with a coach who can provide you with the correct physical activity, nutritious suggestions and choices, and constant encouragement. A community doing it with you doesn’t hurt, either - huh!

What this program is NOT!

I’m not here to tell you how you have to show up to achieve balance.

I’m not here to herd you into a cookie-cutter approach, that’s fad-driven, feels forced, and hides your true self, just to close a sale, or be a good leader, or be someone worthy of love.

I’m here to help you decide how you show up to create more balance, peace, and ease in your life.

I’m here to show you which wellness and ancestral/shamanic practices our ancestors relied on (in honor of the Spring Equinox) that you can easily add into your life (there’s time in the day for you, I promise!!) to promote positive health, new growth in all aspects, increased inspiration, and creativity.

I’m here to help you get unstuck and learn what balance actually means for your unique circumstances.

And I’m here to brainstorm, strategize, uplift you, hold space for you and hype you up on every step of the way. I created Mind·Body·Balance for people like me that needed a blueprint to restart - with love at the forefront.

Planting Seeds

This program opens enrollment on the Spring Equinox. It’s all about planting seeds within ourselves (literally and figuratively) - and watching them bloom over the next eight weeks. So you KNOW I had to add a special moment :) Included in each packet is a package of Icelandic Poppies (which are beautiful symbols of rebirth) that have been personally blessed on Mt. Shasta, the root chakra of the world, by my personal Alchemy coach and Shaman, Joshua Dorfman of The Traveling Temple.

Icelandic Poppies symbolize sleep, peace, and death. Plant these seeds in remembrance of what you're letting go of, and what you're pouring into to alchemize your life. Harmony is contagious, plant your seeds and watch them grow. 

A soul alchemizes and a mindset shift happens when people plant trees whose shade they know they won’t just sit in - it’s shade they will rest, relax, and experience joy within.

The Traveling Temple Blessed Icelandic Poppies

Wondering if this program is for you?

Take the quiz!



Set during the Spring Equinox, this one-of-a-kind wellness coaching program harnesses ancestral healing practices along with results-driven methodologies to shift your mindset (subconscious reprogramming and reparenting), ignite your purpose and inner truths, and achieve literal and figurative balance to get unstuck in your life and finally step fully into your purpose. The Spring equinox (it only happens twice a year!) is the perfect time to be thinking about unbridled optimism, clean slates, healthy habits, starting fresh, and possibility. It’s a great time to think about putting yourself first.

Why do you need this program now?

We have a hard time finding time for ourselves amidst the every day stressors pressuring us. We don’t have time for self care. Society wise, anxiety, loneliness, depression and suicide are on the rise. I’m here to show you that with self awareness, goal setting, mindset shifts, wellness, and ancestral practices that connect us to ourselves - we can achieve balance and happiness. We can achieve that sense of peace you’ve been feeling has been out of reach. We can feel better. We can be more confidant. And we can change the world by changing ourselves.

Introducing Plant Medicine into your self-care practice

Everyone’s always told you to eat your leafy greens, right? Well, cannabis - which we refer to as plant medicine - counts! We’ve partnered with a personally vetted dispensary to include plant medicine packages available to you as an add-on. If you choose this option, we’ll have an additional 1:1 to determine dosage and strain. If you’ve been wondering how to get into plant medicine and have your questions answered - this is a great way.

Benefits of CBD:

  • reduces anxiety, pain, psychosis

  • eases migraines, depression

  • eases tired and sore muscles

  • CBD does not produce the high sensation associated with cannabis.

Benefits of THC:

  • induces more acute pain relief, acts as an anti-inflammatory (great for muscle recovery)

  • soothes nausea due to chronic illness

  • supports folks dealing with insomnia and anxiety

  • TCH has a psychoactive effect that produces a euphoric high.